An American wrriter Richard Bach, who was born in 1936, devoted his life to flying. I'd like to tell about his book "The gift of the wings" written in 1974. This work of literature is a collection of short essays that are full of the spirit of the skies and love to the flight. These essays are united by a theme about a man who feels comfotable if only he rules a plane or a biplane. The literary hero of "The gift of the wings" is Bach himself. Many stories are refers to time when he was a roaming pilot who had been flying all over the USA and took people for a flight for 3$ per person.
"Prayers", "As long as it's nice to be with them" and "It is said we have only 10 seconds" are the works I like most of all.
"Prayers" is smth that you can't even сlassify into a genre. There are some Bach's thoughts in it, which are close to a parable. It's about that if you want to change your life, only you have the power to make these changes true. The idea of "Prayers" is that everyone has exactly what he deserves. If smone wants to change his way of life, he shouldn't be afraid of leaving a safe job or a comfortable place of living or he fails.
"As long as.." is about that sometimes our closest people are someone we never knew and someone we'll hardly know in future. It begins as a dialogue between Bach's hero and a man called David Garreth, who seems to be a pilot, too. After some pages we realise that Bach could never know Garreth who died during the WW2, when Bach was a child. This discovery, from my mind, is a bit unexpected for readers, but it's the best way to deliver the writer's idea.
In "It is said..." the author appeals to the man he was in the past, and tells about how difficult to him to turn thoughts inside his head into words on paper.
Among all read Bach's books the collection of essays "The gift of the wings" is my favourite one.

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